

Poland _ GFT Poland

How to keep your test set small and valuable

During my presentation, I would like to show a practical way to reduce the number of test scenarios in the project by reusing each of them in the e2e (UI) and integration (RestAPI) tests. This allows to reduce managing the time cost, maintain the test set, and verify the implementation of business requirements at the early stages of testing. Presented methodology is based mainly on the BDD approach, however it can be used in any approach to testing.


Jakub Szewczyk from GFT Poland is a BDD/Test Automation evangelist. Over the last decade, he’s noticed that full test automation approach can be used in any project, if not, it only means that software was badly written or using standards from ’90 ;)

Jakub’s approach to automated testing prefers tailor-made solution over out of the box generic test tool. His current love in testing libraries are: mock-server and Serenity BDD, with heavy usage of journey (screenplay) patterns.